Death toll rises to 34 after mudslide covers highway in Colombia

The number of people who have died following a mudslide in western Colombia has risen to 34.
The mudslide struck a busy road on Friday in a mountainous area connecting the cities of Quibdo and Medellin.

Colombia’s National Disaster Risk Management Unit initially said at least 18 people were killed. The agency also said at least 35 injured people were taken to hospitals.
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The new death toll was reported by the Choco governor’s office.

It said that 17 bodies had been identified and that officials were trying to identify another 17.
Earlier, Colombian vice president Francia Marquez said in a message posted on X that a search continued “for people who remain trapped under the landslide”.

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She said several children were among the victims, but gave no number.
The risk management unit did not specify what could have caused the mudslide, but the defence department reported on Friday night that it had been raining in the area, making it difficult for rescue operations.


President Gustavo Petro tweeted that his government would provide all support needed in what he described as a “horrible tragedy”.

Source : Sky News