Past Intelligence

Past Intelligence
Givenchy. Uli Richter. Students.

02.02.2024 to 26.05.2024

The starting point for this exhibition was a dress by Hubert de Givenchy as interpreted by German fashion designer Uli Richter in 1989.

Students at Macromedia University’s Atelier Chardon Savard examined the dress and its pattern, creating their own pieces inspired by Givenchy, the pattern and the material. The results of this project are displayed alongside the Givenchy dress and its pattern as a prominent feature in the Kunstgewerbemuseum’s (Museum of Decorative Arts) fashion gallery.

This project served to train students through the use of historical patterns and to inform them about costume history, while also publicising the museum’s educational work. The working methods of fashion designers Givenchy and Richter are revealed to the public by contextualising the dress with drawings, photographs and the original pattern.

The Curators

The exhibition is curated by Katrin Lindemann, curator for fashion, textiles and jewellery at the Kunstgewerbemuseum – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, together with Karolin Violante, professor of fashion design at Atelier Chardon Savard Berlin, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences.

A special exhibition of the Kunstgewerbemuseum – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin in collaboration with Atelier Chardon Savard of Macromedia University Berlin.

Source : Museen zu Berlin