To Boldly Go Where No Painter Has Gone Before

To Boldly Go Where No Painter Has Gone Before
Chinese Painting in the “Long 17th Century” (1570 – 1720)

28.02.2024 to 28.08.2024
Humboldt Forum

The turbulent transition between the Ming and Qing dynasties was a time of scientific curiosity and engagement with the material world. Whether Ming loyalists who feared for their existence and expressed themselves through bleak, peopleless landscapes, professional painters who catered to the new market of the emerging middle class, or orthodox court painters whose works followed the tradition of literati painting and were intended to please the emperor. The long 17th century encouraged artists to produce bold new works.


If something is not contemporary, shi, then it is not outstanding. If it does not exhaust the new (xin) and transform [style] to the extreme, then it is not contemporary (shi).

Yuan Hongdao (1568 – 1610)


The exhibition is curated by Birgitta Augustin.

This temporary presentation of the Museum für Asiatische Kunst,  Staatliche Museen zu Berlin is part of the permanent exhibition Ethnological Collections and Asian Art  in the Humboldt Forum.

Source : Museen zu Berlin