Elon Musk Sues OpenAI and Sam Altman for ‘Flagrant Breaches’ of Contract

Elon Musk is suing OpenAI and Sam Altman for allegedly abandoning OpenAI’s original mission to develop artificial intelligence to benefit humanity.

“OpenAI, Inc. has been transformed into a closed-source de facto subsidiary of the largest technology company in the world: Microsoft,” Musk’s lawyers wrote in the lawsuit, which was filed late on Thursday in San Francisco.

“Under its new board, it is not just developing but is refining an AGI [Artificial General Intelligence] to maximize profits for Microsoft, rather than for the benefit of humanity,” claims the filing. “On information and belief, GPT-4 is an AGI algorithm.”

OpenAI, which counts Musk among its cofounders, has a unique corporate structure. It is a nonprofit charged with safeguarding humanity against artificial general intelligence, or AGI, a hypothetical AI system that can surpass humans at most tasks. But in late 2019, after Musk left the company’s board, it established a for-profit arm with a less altruistic focus. The explosive popularity of ChatGPT and demand for the underlying GPT-4 AI model has made that side of the company worth a reported $80 billion—and drawn the ire of Musk. Last year, the billionaire told CNBC he was “the reason that OpenAI exists,” thanks to his past investments.

The lawsuit takes aim at OpenAI’s relationship with Microsoft, which has invested around $13 billion into the AI company’s for-profit business in a controversial alliance that has attracted scrutiny from regulators in the US, the EU, and the UK. The UK regulator, the Competition and Markets Authority, said in December that it was investigating to see whether the two companies had effectively merged. Neither OpenAI nor Microsoft immediately replied to WIRED’s request for comment.

The lawsuit alleges that the internal design of GPT-4, the company’s latest model, remains secret because Microsoft and OpenAI stand to make a fortune by selling access to the AI model to the public. “GPT-4 is hence the opposite of ‘Open AI,’” the filing reads.

OpenAI’s nonprofit arm was core to the company’s founding vision. “The nonprofit is in theory controlling the for-profit [side of the company],” says Nicolas Moës, executive director of the Future Society, a think tank based in Brussels. Altman has supported that setup in public. “The board can fire me, I think that’s important,” the CEO told Bloomberg in June.

Yet when the board did try to fire him in November, Altman was reinstated as CEO after five days of drama that involved a threatened staff exodus and Microsoft announcing the hire of key OpenAI executives, including Altman, to lead its own AI team. “The board crisis of OpenAI in November showed that this nonprofit [side of the business] has basically no say, is in complete disarray, and the board itself is not really in control of what the for-profit does,” says Moës.

When Altman was reinstated at OpenAI, he announced a new non-voting board seat for Microsoft.

“This dispute brings into focus a larger issue, which is the fact that many AI startups such as OpenAI find themselves in a position where they’re reliant on Big Tech finances and infrastructure because of the sheer computing power that AI needs to develop,” says Laura Lazaro Cabrera, counsel and director of the equity and data program at the nonprofit Center for Democracy and Technology.

The lawsuit casts Musk as a central figure in AI’s recent evolution, as well as someone who is deeply concerned about the direction the industry is taking. “Mr. Musk has long recognized that AGI poses a grave threat to humanity,” it claims, “perhaps the greatest existential threat we face today.”

Source : Wired