Four children among six found dead at house in Canada

An investigation has been launched after six people, including four children, were found dead at a house in Canadian capital Ottawa.
A seventh person was taken to hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries after police were called to the property in the suburb of Barrhaven around 11pm local time on Wednesday.

A male suspect has been arrested with officials now trying to determine his relationship to the victims, who have not been publicly identified.
Sri Lanka’s high commission in Ottawa said the victims were a family of Sri Lankan nationals.
The father is thought to have survived but his wife and children died, the commission said, adding that it is in contact with family members in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo.

Police have yet to announce how the victims died. However, Ottawa Police chief, Eric Stubbs, told local radio stations the force does not believe the deaths were the result of domestic or intimate partner violence.
Investigative teams remain on the scene in Berrigan Drive described by Mr Stubbs as “very tragic” and “horrific”.

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A neighbour, Don Perera, told AP news agency the father was from Sri Lanka.
Another resident, Shanti Ramesh, said she heard a commotion before going on her balcony and seeing a man sitting on the driveway of the home – the middle unit in a row of townhouses – yelling.


He was taken away by two police officers, she said.

Image: Police cars are parked at the scene in the Barrhaven suburb of Ottawa. Pic: Patrick Doyle /The Canadian Press/ AP

Image: Police tape blocks access to an alleyway at the scene. Pic: Patrick Doyle/The Canadian Press/ AP
‘One of the most shocking incidents of violence in city’s history’
Ottawa mayor Mark Sutcliffe described the tragedy as “one of the most shocking incidents of violence in our city’s history”.
“I was devastated to learn of the multiple homicide in Barrhaven,” he said.
In a post on X, Mr Sutcliffe wrote: “We are proud to live in a safe community but this news is distressing to all Ottawa residents.”

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Canada’s capital, which has a population of 1 million, witnessed 14 murders last year and 15 in 2022.
In December 2022, a man gunned down five people in a suburb of Toronto before being shot by police.
Three months earlier, a man stabbed and killed 11 people in the western province of Saskatchewan.
He died of a cocaine overdose shortly after being arrested by police.

Source : Sky News