No One Actually Knows How AI Will Affect Jobs

Forget artificial intelligence breaking free of human control and taking over the world. A far more pressing concern is how today’s generative AI tools will transform the labor market. Some experts envisage a world of increased productivity and job satisfaction; others, a landscape of mass unemployment and social upheaval.

Someone with a bird’s-eye view of the situation is Mary Daly, CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, part of the national system responsible for setting monetary policy, maintaining a stable financial system, and ensuring maximal employment. Daly, a labor market economist by training, is especially interested in how generative AI might change the labor market picture.

Daly spoke with WIRED senior editor Will Knight over Zoom. The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

You’ve been talking to early adopter companies about their use of generative AI. What are you seeing—or to ask the question on many people’s minds, are workers being replaced?

More firms than I would have imagined are already looking at it. Some are going to have more opportunities to replace workers, and some more to augment, But overall what I’m seeing is that no firm is using it as a replacement tool alone.

One person I talked to, her company invested in generative AI and used it to help write descriptions of items that they have for sale. They have hundreds of thousands of items, but not all of them are high-margin or are interesting to write about. And so they can keep adding more copywriting staff, or they could use generative AI to write first drafts on these items. Copywriters become auditors, and they do more interesting work.

How confident are you that generative AI won’t eliminate jobs overall?

The AI model makers are going to tell you about going to the moon—replacing everybody, and all kinds of things, and that does feel dystopian if you’re a worker. Businesses will have to be willing to change preconceived notions of what a good worker looks like. If everybody has to have a four-year degree, if that’s your signal device, then of course lots of people who could be helpful to your organization don’t get hired. I think gen AI is more challenging to the concept [that certain jobs require certain qualifications].

Tech companies like to talk about building artificial general intelligence—AI that can do everything a human intelligence can. Is that unhelpful when it comes to thinking about how AI could affect labor?

I think it’s unhelpful. I was really struck by the three cases—writers, actors, auto workers—that are all worried about AI. They are worried about technology taking their jobs, and that’s because the dystopian narrative is very strong.

Ultimately people decide, not technology. And if you’re so afraid that you say, ‘We’re not doing it,’ then you end up with a worse outcome. It’s about how we deploy AI smartly, and well, so that we’re pleased 10 years from now.

Technology does not reduce net jobs in a country. But that’s not the same as saying it doesn’t affect inequality, or saying it doesn’t affect some people differently.

Source : Wired