Hail smashes windows and nose of jet flying from Majorca

A plane’s windscreen and nose were badly damaged by hail on a flight from Majorca to Vienna.
It happened on Sunday afternoon as Flight 0S434 flew through a thunderstorm cell that Austrian Airlines said was not visible on radar.

It said the jet made a mayday call on its way back from the Spanish island but landed safely in Vienna with no injuries.
Images on social media showed the nose of the Airbus A320 partially disintegrated and dozens of impact marks on the windscreen.
Austrian Airlines said it was assessing the damage and stressed that passenger and crew safety was its “top priority”.

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It comes as Singapore Airlines announced compensation packages for people hurt during severe turbulence on a flight last month.
Briton Geoff Kitchen, 73, died in the incident from a suspected heart attack despite flight crew trying to revive him for 20 minutes.

Source : Sky News