The Japan Automobile Federation (JAF), under the leadership of President Masayoshi Sakaguchi, has launched an “Upcycling Project” aimed at transforming used roadside assistance uniforms into new, functional products through crowdfunding. This initiative is set to run from Wednesday, July 10, to Friday, August 30.
JAF road service uniforms are usually discarded after a certain period due to safety and visibility considerations.
Traditionally, these uniforms are recycled into fiber materials such as felt. However, this project aims to upcycle the uniforms into new items, leveraging the durability of the fabrics and their distinctive orange color. These new products will be designed in collaboration with the tote bag specialty brand “ROOTOTE” and handcrafted by domestic artisans.
This initiative seeks to raise environmental awareness by creating new value from discarded materials. Examples of the upcycled products include large and small tote bags, umbrella cases, small cases, and tissue box covers.
Supporters can contribute to the crowdfunding campaign, which runs from July 10 to August 30, 2024. Detailed information is available on the JAF Upcycling Project page and the Readyfor crowdfunding page.
Upcycling differs from recycling in that it repurposes materials as they are, minimising the energy required and reducing the environmental burden. ROOTOTE, known for its “Fun Outing!” concept, brings its expertise in tote bags to this innovative project.
Source : Fia